


PF 2024

PF 2023  

we wish all of you and your families the very best for the Christmas Holidays and a lot of love, joy, happiness, good health, great friends and gatherings with a lot of peace and success in the New Year!


9th December - IDS Prague

Katrin Euri-Escot - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Cruft Qualification, BOS

Katrin Euri-Escot

A few photos from a successful weekend in Zagreb dog show

Katrin Euri-Escot  Katrin Euri-Escot  Katrin Euri-Escot  Katrin Euri-Escot

24th-26th November - IDS Zagreb Winter Classic

Katrin Euri-Escot

  • 24th November
    • Terrier Club show
      • Excellent 1, CAC, Club winner, BOB
  • 25th November
    • CACIB show
      • Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Cruft Qualification, BOB, BIG 2
    • CAC show
      • Excellent 1, CAC, National winner, BOB
  • 26th November
    • CACIB show
      • Excellent 1, CAC, r. CACIB

Katrin completed Croatia Beauty champion.

Katrin Euri-Escot  Katrin Euri-Escot  Katrin Euri-Escot  Katrin Euri-Escot

21th September – We had to say goodbye forever Charthill Wizard at Euri-Escot

Chatrthill Wizard at Euri-Escot

9th September - IDS Olomouc

Lucky Star´s Marilyn - Excellent 1, CACIB – V, BOV, short list veteran BIG

Lucky Star´s Marilyn Lucky Star´s Marilyn Lucky Star´s Marilyn

Katrin Euri - Escot - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 5

Katrin Euri - Escot Katrin Euri - Escot Katrin Euri - Escot

10th June – We had to say goodbye forever Espri Euri - Escot

Espri Euri-Escot

18th March - NDS Wałbrzych

Lucifer Euri - Escot - Excellent 1, CWC, National winner, BOB, BIG 3

Lucifer Euri – Escot  Lucifer Euri – Escot

Lucifer completed beauty Poland champion.

20th February - We have 5 newborns (2 boys and 3 girls) „N

17th February - IDS Nitra

Lucifer Euri - Escot - Excellent 1, CAC, r. CACIB

Lucifer Euri – Escot  Lucifer Euri – Escot

Lucifer completed Slovakia beauty champion.

28th-29th January IDS Brno

Lucifer Euri - Escot
28th January - Excellent 1, CAC, r. CACIB
29th January - Excellent 1, CAC

Lucifer Euri – Escot  Lucifer Euri – Escot  Lucifer Euri – Escot

Lucifer completed Czech beuaty champion.

PF 2023

PF 2023  

we wish all of you and your families the very best for the Christmas Holidays and a lot of love, joy, happiness, good health, great friends and gatherings with a lot of peace and success in the New Year!
